Established by Derek and Sylvia Davis, the Ezy Group embarked on its journey in 2006 with the inception of Ezy Vehicle Rentals in Mackay. Our expansion journey began in response to the increasing demand for quality services, leading to the establishment of Ezy Group branches in Moranbah in 2019 and Emerald in 2022, serving the vibrant community of Central Queensland.
Our fleet at Ezy Vehicle Rentals is designed to address your every need. We offer a variety of rental vehicles for the retail and commercial markets, and specialise in providing vehicles for mining and allied industries ready-to-go.
A strong focus on customer service is a fundamental and essential driver for all staff at Ezy Vehicle Rentals. All our personnel strive to build and maintain a satisfied customer base through superior quality service with fair dealings based on trust and respect.
Being locally owned we have more flexibility when things aren’t going to plan, we are dedicated to giving the best possible customer service, and we make the renting process as EZY!